Vocal Health during COVID-19

Infections like influenza, common cold and COVID-19 can ruin your voice. They cause coughing and throat clearing that hurt your vocal cords. Suddenly, you’ve lost your voice! We are all at risk to catching these diseases. And our voices are at risk for injury.

You use your voice every day and don’t even notice. It’s an afterthought, until it isn’t. What do you use your voice for every day? To command the attention of coworkers. To speak a tender work to your partner. To effectively discipline your children. What happens when you lose your voice? We don’t notice how important our voice is until we have a problem.

So how do you protect your voice from harm? The following are a few tips to help you care for your voice holistically.

1.     Avoid caffeinated drinks!

Caffeinated drinks are often dehydrating. When your vocal cords are swollen, inflamed and tender you should opt to drink water. Water at any temperature is the best remedy. Some people find adding a slice of lemon and bit of honey to a warm cup of water to be soothing to their throat. Whatever inspires sipping on H2O is worth trying. Caffeine free teas are another nice option. Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, sodas and chocolate (yes, chocolate is a source of caffeine!)

2. Avoid excessive coughing and throat clearing!

Fight the urge to cough or throat clear. When you cough or clear your throat you are slamming your vocal cords together in an aggressive manner that can result in further swelling and inflammation. Have the urge to cough? Grab some water, sip slowly with hard, intentional swallows. That should be sufficient to clear the tickle. If you need to cough and clear your throat, just be gentle.

3.Use a humidifier!

Take slow, deep breaths in the shower. It not only feels good and reduces stress, but it is also good for your voice. Get fancy and add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil for an invigorating experience. It’s an added support to your vocal hygiene routine. to your respiratory system.

4.Rest your vocal cords!

The most critical and effective strategy to regaining your voice is to give it the rest it needs. Luckily in today’s modern world we can use texting and email as a way to communicate if we are on strict vocal rest. Although it is challenging to go for days without speaking, try to give yourself a couple hours a day where you just sip your favorite soothing beverage and don’t talk.

5.Don’t whisper!

If you must talk, do not whisper! Whispering is one of the worst things anyone can do to their tender vocal cords. It is better to speak with your full voice, but at a lower intensity or volume.

The take home message!

Vocal inflammation and swelling are most often caused by an upper respiratory infection but it can also be caused by speaking for too long, yelling at a concert or general poor voice hygiene habits. By enlisting these tools anytime, you feel your voice isn’t at its optimal you can help reduce swelling and inflammation. You will hear the improved quality and vibrancy in your voice and you will have your most powerful communication tool once again.