A Community of Empowered Voices: Unlock Your Potential with Free Guided Vocal Resources!

I'm thrilled to offer you a helping hand in your personal journey towards vocal fluidity and empowerment. These materials have been instrumental in the success stories of my clients, and I'm honored to share them with you for free. Let's create a supportive community of knowledge-sharing and growth - feel free to download, share, and spread the love! Together, we can reach our ultimate potential.


Easy to understand cheat sheet guides to voice feminization.

If you’re looking for a starter guide to understanding resonance, pitch, intonation and more then grab one of these guides.


Empower Your Practice and Clients with the Comprehensive Clinical Manual to Gender Affirming Voice Therapy.

Expand your clinical expertise and provide top-notch gender-affirming voice therapy services to the transgender and nonbinary community.

Download our Comprehensive Clinical Manual to Transgender Voice Therapy today and share it with your interns, graduate students, and clinical colleagues.

Let's work together to create a more inclusive and supportive healthcare environment for all.

Access to gender-affirming voice therapy is a fundamental right for all individuals seeking to align their voice with their gender identity. As clinicians, it is our responsibility to ensure that our services are accessible and inclusive to all members of the transgender and nonbinary community.

This includes sharing our knowledge, resources, and best practices with other clinicians, interns, and graduate students to enhance the quality of care provided. By breaking down the barriers of knowledge and expertise, we can advance the standard of care and create a more supportive and affirming healthcare environment for all.

Discover the transformative power of gender-affirming voice therapy and elevate your clinical practice with my practical, inclusive clinician's guide to voice feminization training.

Whether you're a seasoned clinician or just starting out, this step-by-step manual provides a comprehensive approach to transgender voice therapy - from consultation to exit assessment.

With customizable templates, guided sessions, and accountability tools, you can create a personalized program that helps your clients achieve lasting change.


Free Client Vocal Hygiene Plan

Are you someone who is looking to change your voice and change your life?

My webinar series is coming soon! Until then, get started on your vocal journey by starting with the foundation. A healthy, well functioning voice.

Download my Vocal Hygiene Plan to keep your voice healthy and optimized!