10 questions to ask yourself before you start voice feminization therapy!
How to know if you’re ready to transition your voice. Ask yourself these 10 guiding questions:
Before starting treatment, it is important to know that this is very hard work. You will be challenged out of your comfort zone to reach your goals; the process can bring out feelings of frustration and disappointment. THIS IS NORMAL.
However, when determining readiness for therapy, I look for clients who have a willingness and motivation to persevere through difficult vocal exercises and continue finding your authentic voice. If you feel that you have this intrinsic motivation, you are already half-way there.
Here are 10 indicators that you’re ready to commit to Voice Feminization Therapy.
1. I become very frustrated when I am misgendered during phone conversations.
In my experience, many of our clients, especially trans woman, feel that their voice does not match their true femininity. Your voice communicates more than just information; It shows your true essence and identity. You are not alone in your frustrations.
We are by your side when frustrations turn to tears of joy as we celebrate the first time you get called “ma’am.”
2. My current schedule allows me to dedicate at least one hour EVERY DAY to practice using my feminine voice.
Building any new skill takes time, and voice feminization therapy is no different. It is crucial that you dedicate time to practice every day, multiple times a day. Practicing strengthens new vocal muscles and grants easier access to your feminine voice.
Our goal in therapy is to maintain a feminine voice that feels as natural as possible, which is only achievable through consistent productive practice.
We give each client specific feedback during each session, which includes individualized target exercises to do in between our voice sessions. We find that the clients who practice consistently and take good notes during sessions are the ones that get the best results.
3. I’m ready to start using my feminine voice in my daily life from the first day of therapy.
Practice, practice, practice. (Have we talked about practice enough?) We know that it takes a great deal of courage to start. However, therapy will only be successful if you are willing to generalize your skills into your everyday life. Now is the time to unlock your true feminine authentic voice and we are here to support you!
4. Cost of services can add up over time. I have a budget that is specifically dedicated to voice treatment.
Voice feminization therapy is a cost per session service. It is recommended that clients are seen for ten sessions every week or every other week. Making sure that you have a dedicated budget is important to ensure that you get the most out of your treatment.
Call today to ask about session pricing or to get a FREE consultation and see if we are a right fit for each other.
5. I have tried other therapies, voice coaches, or started practicing on my own through watching YouTube videos or blog posts.
Taking the time to seek help in the area of voice shows drive and determination. However, we get a lot of clients that say that information available on the internet is just not very helpful, leaving them with more questions than answers. If this is you, don’t worry – even if you feel confused and frustrated, you’ve gained background knowledge, and set a good foundation for therapy.
The benefit of our service is that we are able to provide constructive and specific feedback about your voice in real time and over time. We customize the program specific to your needs.
If this is your first introduction to voice therapy, check out my YouTube Channel to get familiar with what we do, or Email me for a free consultation to see if this is right for you.
6. I have a vocal model that I feel matches my true authentic voice (Celebrity, actress, family member, etc.).
Therapy is easier when you can visualize your authentic voice in your mind before you even speak. You might even give your “mindful voice” a color or texture to make it feel tangible.
Or maybe it’s easier for you to hear an actress or a family member in your life that you feel is close to your authentic feminine voice.
When you hear your authentic voice in your head, we find that it makes it easier to access it. This is one of the first concepts we focus on before we begin.
7. I feel like I have realistic expectations for my vocal transition.
It’s important to know that each gender has a vocal range. Some women, for example, have smoky, textured, deep, sexy voices, and some women have bright, bouncy, and smooth voices. Any combination of these features can easily be gendered correctly.
However, there is nothing a voice therapist can do about the size and shape of the vocal mechanism, so it is important that the client has realistic views for their vocal transition. While we aren’t surgically altering the vocal structures, there are other aspects of the voice that can be altered to make for a safe and recognizably feminine voice.
8. I currently have a healthy functioning voice. (my voice is not hoarse, raspy, effortful, and I do not frequently cough/clear my throat)
Changing your voice is like going to the gym: you have to practice consistently to see results. However, to maintain a healthy voice, it is important to practice good vocal hygiene and practice good awareness of damaging vocal habits.
If you feel any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you see your doctor, SLP, or otolaryngologist to get you vocal folds looked at before starting any voice therapy.
Throughout the process we give frequent reminders about practicing good vocal hygiene because it sets a safe foundation for your transformation. (e.g. drinking plenty of water, avoid vocal abuse/yelling, and be aware of vocal tension/strain)
Each of our clients gets a customized target practice work and hygiene plans specific to their needs. Check out our blog “10 Vocal Hygiene Tips for MtF Vocal Transition; Maintaining a Healthy and Happy Voice”.
Download your FREE Vocal Hygiene Plan to keep your voice healthy and optimized!
9. I have a support system in place at home (family, friend, or employer).
Our voice is tied to our emotions and most importantly, our identity.
This process unblocks your voice, and a host of emotions that come with hard work and lasting change.
Having a good support system is so important. Having space to practice what you’ve learned around supportive people will lead to greater success.
Locate your local LGBTQ+ resource center HERE to find support groups and more information about building a supportive loving community.
10. I have/had a mental health counselor (therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist) that I have/had work with closely that provides counseling alongside voice therapy
As stated in the last point, the feminine vocal transition can be a frustrating process and is often the last piece of a woman’s transition.
This is very emotional and we recommend counseling in conjunction with voice therapy. Check with your local LGBTQ+ resource center where they have counseling and support group events and resources. Here is the website again: https://www.lgbtcenters.org/LGBTCenters
Committing to any change is scary, but if these 10 points resonate true for you, you are ready to start a individualized vocal therapy program. With the right support and guidance, you will speak with confidence knowing you’ll be gendered correctly – every time.
I’m here to help you along your journey. Email me for a free consultation to see if this is right for you!